Career Readiness

A man is walking with a messenger bag and a book in his hand.

Navigating Futures Through Career Readiness Solutions

ListEdTech is a market research firm that only tracks systems used in education. Our user-friendly portal offers data on more than 25 product categories, including Career Readiness Solutions. For this product category, we track over 18,750 implementations, mainly in North America at the higher education level.

Buy the report (Higher Ed)

Buy the report (K-12)

What Are Career Readiness Solutions?

Career Readiness Solutions can be divided into subcategories where systems target a specific skill expertise. Some of the more common categories are:

  • Assessments: Helps students assess their interests, aptitudes, and skills through personality tests, skills assessments, and interest inventories.
  • Career and Skills Development: Helps students identify their career interests, explore different career options, and develop the skills needed to succeed.
  • Career Exploration: Helps students gain an understanding of what different jobs and industries entail, such as career assessments, job shadowing opportunities, career fairs, and informational interviews with professionals in different fields.
  • College and Career Readiness: Help students identify their strengths and interests and explore a wide range of career options to make informed decisions regarding their path beyond high school.
  • Job Search: Offers various services, including resume-building tools, job search databases, interview preparation, and career counseling.
  • Mentoring and Networking: Helps students build professional relationships and connects them with an experienced professional who can offer guidance on career paths and job search strategies.

What’s Inside our Product Category Reports?

  • Introduction
  • Category Definition
  • Acquisitions and Category Dynamics
  • Latest News and Product Updates
  • Current and Historical Market Graphs
  • Market Context (Market Analysis)
  • Market Forecast (Market Projections)
  • Typical Pricing in the Category
  • Conclusion
  • List of Vendors

Why Use the ListEdTech Portal?

product implementations tracked among 25+ product categories
institutions, in our database, using a Career Readiness solution
Career Readiness products in our database

In this Product Category, We Have Data on the Following Companies and Products

CompanyProductDegree Type
12Twenty12Twenty Career Service ManagementHigherEd
Access GroupAccess Digital Learning HigherEd
ACTMyACTHigherEd & School Districts
Acuity InsightsAltus SuiteHigherEd
AlumnifireAlumnifire Mentoring & NetworkingHigherEd & School Districts
AnthologyAnthology Occupation InsightHigherEd
ApplyBoardApplyBoard PlatformHigherEd
AwatoAwato Career AssessmentsHigherEd
Beyond B-SchoolBeyond B-School exploration trainingsHigherEd
Big InterviewBig InterviewHigherEd & School Districts
BirkmanBirkman AssessmentHigherEd
Career Dimensions IncFOCUS 2 CAREERHigherEd
CareerOneStopCareerOneStopHigherEd & School Districts
CareerShiftCareerShift platformHigherEd
CareerSpotsCareerSpots Career ReadinessHigherEd
College Central NetworkCollege CentralHigherEd
Community BrandsYM CareersHigherEd
Credential EngineCredential EngineHigherEd
EABWisr PlatformHigherEd
EduheroEduheroSchool District
ElsevierInterfolio DossierHigherEd
ExponentExponent PlatformHigherEd
GradLeadersGradLeaders Career CenterHigherEd
HandshakeHandshake StudentsHigherEd
Hiration IncHirationHigherEd
Human eSourcesTruTalent PersonalityHigherEd
IBISWorldIBISWorld Data Labor MarketHigherEd
ICIMSSkillSurvey Career ReadinessHigherEd
Infobase LearningFirsthand Career PlatformHigherEd
Infobase LearningVault Career ReadinessHigherEd
InsideTrackInsideTrack Coaching ProgramsHigherEd
InterstrideInterstride platformHigherEd
JobscanJobscan productHigherEd
Kuder Inc.Kuder NavigatorHigherEd & School Districts
LightcastEmsi Labor Market AnalyticsHigherEd
LightcastProgram InsightHigherEd
LinkedInLinkedIn StudentsHigherEd
MagnetOutcome Campus ConnectHigherEd
MainstayMainstay PlatformHigherEd
Management ConsultedManagement Consulted ResumeHigherEd
MBA-ExchangeMBA exchange explorationHigherEd
Mentor CollectiveMentor Collective MentoringHigherEd
Modern CampusModern Campus PathwaysHigherEd
MyPlanMyPlan PlatformHigherEd
O*NET OnLineMy Next MoveHigherEd & School Districts
O*NET OnLineO*NET OnLine Career ExplorationHigherEd & School Districts
OECMmyBlueprintSchool District
PaperMajorClarity PlatformSchool District
ParadoxTraitify AssessmentHigherEd & School Districts
Parchment Inc.ParchmentHigherEd & School Districts
Parker DeweyParker Dewey - Career explorationHigherEd
Pearson Learning SolutionsPearson Career SuccessHigherEd
PeopleGrovePeopleGrove’s Career SuccessHigherEd
PowerSchoolNaviance InsightsHigherEd & School Districts
ProspleProsple PlatformHigherEd
PSI ServicesAm I Job ReadyHigherEd
QuinnciaQuinncia platformHigherEd
Resume WordedResume Worded PlatformHigherEd
RiipenRiipen Career ReadinessHigherEd
RIVSInterviewStream (Interviewprep)HigherEd & School Districts
Roadtrip NationRoadtrip Nation career explorationHigherEd & School Districts
Ruffalo Noel LevitzPurple BriefcaseHigherEd
Salary.comSalary Data Labor MarketHigherEd
SchooLinksSchooLinks Career EssentialsSchool District
Scoir Inc.ScoirHigherEd & School Districts
Sokanu InteractiveCareerExplorerHigherEd
Steppingblocks Inc.SteppingblocksHigherEd
SuitableSuitable PlatformHigherEd
Symplicity CorporationCareerHubHigherEd
The Myers-Briggs CompanyStrong Interest InventoryHigherEd
The Myers-Briggs CompanyVitaNavisHigherEd
TypeFocusTypeFocus CareersHigherEd
UConnectAll AccessHigherEd
UConnectUConnect Career Services PlatformHigherEd
University of Tennessee companyWhat Can I Do With This MajorHigherEd
Upkey LLCUpkeyHigherEd
VMockVMock smart career platformHigherEd
WayupWayUp PlatformHigherEd
WIN LearningMyStrategic CompassSchool District
WIN LearningWIN Career Readiness SystemHigherEd
XAP CorpChoices360School District
XelloXelloHigherEd & School Districts
XinspireXinspire MentoringHigherEd
YouScienceYouScience AssessmentsHigherEd & School Districts
Zintervu LLC (MBAcase)Zintervu (MBAcase)HigherEd
ZipRecruiterZipRecruiter CareerExplorationHigherEd

How Does ListEdTech Gather its Data?

We scan publicly available data (news releases, social media, university and company websites) to gather our information. Our dataset includes (but is not limited to): 

  • Educational companies, products, and institutional characteristics, 
  • Primary and secondary systems supported by an institution, 
  • Implementation dates and decommission dates, 
  • Contracts, RFP and acquisition data.

Our team controls for bias and regularly updates, reviews, and validates the data at the source to help organize, sort, and classify more than 3 million data points. Though we cannot guarantee an accurate market representation, the methods we use prevent the overrepresentation of any solution.  

As part of our data quality control, we review our database monthly. During these processes, we constantly reach a 95% accuracy rate.