CRM – General

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ListEdTech is a market research firm that only tracks systems used in education. Our user-friendly portal offers data on more than 25 product categories, including CRM – General Systems. For this product category, we track over 3,400 implementations, mainly in North America at the higher education level.

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What Are CRM – General Systems?

A Customer Relationship Management system (general) is a software platform designed to manage and improve communications with the institution’s community, from prospective students to current students, alumni, faculty members, and other partners. The system helps centralize the information collected, personalize communication based on individual interests, needs and behaviour, as well as streamline various processes.

What’s Inside our Product Category Reports?

  • Introduction
  • Category Definition
  • Acquisitions and Category Dynamics
  • Latest News and Product Updates
  • Current and Historical Market Graphs
  • Market Context (Market Analysis)
  • Market Forecast (Market Projections)
  • Typical Pricing in the Category
  • Conclusion
  • List of Vendors

Why Use the ListEdTech Portal?

product implementations tracked among 25+ product categories
institutions, in our database, using a CRM – General system
CRM – General products in our database

In this Product Category, We Have Data on the Following Companies and Products

CompanyProductDegree Type
AcceptivaAcceptiva PlatformSchool District
Active InformaticsConnect Employer EngagementHigherEd
AnthologyAnthology ReachHigherEd
AnthologyCampusNexus CRMHigherEd
AnthologyCampusNexus EngageHigherEd
AnthologyHobsons EMT ConnectHigherEd
AnthologyIModules EncompassHigherEd
AnthologyTalisma CRMHigherEd
AzorusAzorus CRMHigherEd
BestNotesBestNotes CRMSchool District
BlackbaudETapestryHigherEd & School Districts
BloomerangBloomerang CRMHigherEd & School Districts
BloomerangKindfulHigherEd & School Districts
BonterraEveryActionSchool District
ClassyClassy PlatformHigherEd
Community BrandsGiveSmartHigherEd & School Districts
CONEXTConext BridgeHigherEd
Constant ContactConstant Contact productHigherEd & School Districts
DonorboxDonorbox PlatformHigherEd & School Districts
Element451Element451 PlatformHigherEd
EllucianDatatel Colleague Student Retention AlertHigherEd
EllucianEllucian CRM AdviseHigherEd
Emma Inc.Emma HQHigherEd
Engaging NetworksEngaging Networks CRMHigherEd
Frequency FoundryGreymatterHigherEd
GoldmineGoldMine CRMHigherEd
Great ExposureCampusLoginHigherEd
Homegrown SystemsHomegrown Customer Relationship ManagementHigherEd
HubSpotHubSpot CRMHigherEd
ICE Mortgage TechnologyVelocify PlatformHigherEd
Jenzabar Inc.Jenzabar Constituent Relationship Modules (CRMs)HigherEd
Jenzabar Inc.Jenzabar Internet Campus Solution (CRM)HigherEd
Jenzabar Inc.Jenzabar JX - CRMHigherEd
Jenzabar Inc.Jenzabar One COHigherEd
Kidz AfricaDevManHigherEd
Maximizer CRMMaximizer CRMHigherEd
Microsoft CorporationDynamics 365HigherEd
Microsoft CorporationMicrosoft Dynamics - CRMHigherEd
MongooseMongoose CadenceHigherEd
Neon One LLCNeon CRMHigherEd & School District
OracleOracle CRMHigherEd
OracleOracle PeopleSoft Customer Relationship Management (CRM) WarehouseHigherEd
OracleOracle PeopleSoft Enterprise Customer Relationship ManagementHigherEd
Pipelinersales IncPipeliner CRMHigherEd
Pushpay Holdings LimitedPushpaySchool District
QgivQgiv PlatformHigherEd
QualtricsQualtrics Experience Management PlatformHigherEd
Ruffalo Noel LevitzRuffalo Noel Levitz CRMHigherEd
Ruffalo Noel LevitzScaleFunderHigherEd
Salesforce IncCloud Infrastructure for CRMHigherEd & School Districts
Salesforce IncCloud Platform for CRMSchool District
Salesforce IncSalesforce for Higher EdHigherEd & School Districts
Salesforce IncWork.comHigherEd
SAP AGSAP Student Lifecycle ManagementHigherEd
SugarCRMSugarCRM Enterprise editionHigherEd
Symplicity CorporationVOICEHigherEd
TeamworksARMS Software For AthleticsHigherEd
ToucanTechToucanTech CRMHigherEd
Tribal GroupTribal CRMHigherEd
Unit4Agresso CRMHigherEd
Virtuous SoftwareVirtuous CRMHigherEd
WealthEngineWealthEngine PlatformHigherEd
ZendeskZendesk SunshineHigherEd & School Districts

How Does ListEdTech Gather its Data?

We scan publicly available data (news releases, social media, university and company websites) to gather our information. Our dataset includes (but is not limited to): 

  • Educational companies, products, and institutional characteristics, 
  • Primary and secondary systems supported by an institution, 
  • Implementation dates and decommission dates, 
  • Contracts, RFP and acquisition data.

Our team controls for bias and regularly updates, reviews, and validates the data at the source to help organize, sort, and classify more than 3 million data points. Though we cannot guarantee an accurate market representation, the methods we use prevent the overrepresentation of any solution.  

As part of our data quality control, we review our database monthly. During these processes, we constantly reach a 95% accuracy rate.