Library Information Systems

Someone is looking at a book on a library shelf

Pushing the Limits of Library Shelves

ListEdTech is a market research firm that only tracks systems used in education. Our user-friendly portal offers data on more than 25 product categories, including Library Information Systems. For this product category, we track over 26,000 implementations, mostly in North America at the higher education level.

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What Are Library Information Systems?

Library Information Systems (also called Integrated Library Systems) offer features such as cataloging, circulation, acquisitions, serials management, and patron management, all of which enable librarians to make informed decisions regarding their collections while also ensuring efficient library operations, improving accessibility to resources, and supporting academic and research activities.

Why Use the ListEdTech Portal?

product implementations tracked among 25+ product categories
institutions, in our database, using a Library Information System
Library Information products in our databases

In this Product Category, We Have Data on the Following Companies and Products

How Does ListEdTech Gather its Data?

We scan publicly available data (news releases, social media, university and company websites) to gather our information. Our dataset includes (but is not limited to): 

  • Educational companies, products, and institutional characteristics, 
  • Primary and secondary systems supported by an institution, 
  • Implementation dates and decommission dates, 
  • Contracts, RFP and acquisition data.

Our team controls for bias and regularly updates, reviews, and validates the data at the source to help organize, sort, and classify more than 3 million data points. Though we cannot guarantee an accurate market representation, the methods we use prevent the overrepresentation of any solution.  

As part of our data quality control, we review our database monthly. During these processes, we constantly reach a 95% accuracy rate.