Next Monday, we will be launching our Grant Management Systems in the Educational Sector report. The report shows the evolution of the grant market for higher education institutions. It was written as a way to offer the much-needed data behind the selection of a grant management ecosystem.
Overview of our table of content:
Classifying Grant Systems
Electronic Research Systems
Particularities of Individual Institutions
Configuration vs Customization
Grantor Systems
Overall Market Leaders
New Implementations vs Active systems
Implementations by Size of Institutions
A View by Median Size of Clients
New Implementations in the Last 10 Years
Market Evolution Graph
Average Age of Implementations
Link between ERP Systems and Grants Systems
Products Categorized by Top Research Universities

The graph above represents the historical market share by companies based on the number of institutions that have implemented their products. We can see a considerable decrease of homegrown systems used in the grant management category. Looking at this historical graph, you can also see that Kuali lost a fair share of the market while InfoEd and Huron have both seen a slight decrease. On the other hand, Cayuse and InfoReady have had the biggest increase in market shares in the past 10 years.
We will keep our pricing simple.
The reports pricing is as follows:
Single campus: $1,000
University system or Consortium office, including individual campus representatives from a selection committee: $2,000.
Corporations: $3,000.
If you need more information, send me an email.