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Packaging New Requirement Types for LMS RFPs

At the end of our blog post on deconstructing LMS RFPs to find the most popular evaluation criteria, we mentioned that we are working on defining the functional and non-functional criteria. Over the past month and a half, we have worked on grouping the different requirement types. Rapidly, we understood that it’s not a matter ... Packaging New Requirement Types for LMS RFPs  Read More

Ellucian Live 2024: Illuminate. Innovate. Inspire.

From April 6-9, 2024, I attended Ellucian Live 2024, where James and I were invited as analysts. It was only my second Ellucian conference, but somehow, I felt like a veteran. I was happy to meet up with old acquaintances while making new connections in the edtech world. With this post, I want to share ... Ellucian Live 2024: Illuminate. Innovate. Inspire.  Read More

Unveiling the Power of Business Partnerships in EdTech

In educational technology, the necessity of cultivating strategic business partnerships is undeniable. As classrooms evolve into dynamic digital environments and learners navigate an increasingly interconnected world, the complexities of integrating technology seamlessly into education become apparent. While considering educational technology, we define a business partnership as a collaborative arrangement between companies aimed at advancing innovation ... Unveiling the Power of Business Partnerships in EdTech  Read More

Top IT Projects Shaping HigherEd in 2024

Since the publication of this post, we have received questions about how we conducted our research. To create our Top 10, we scanned the content of 81 IT Project websites from North America and Europe. We did not look at institution websites for separate projects like:  We only looked at current projects listed in the ... Top IT Projects Shaping HigherEd in 2024  Read More

Uncovering the Key Patterns in Technology Adoption in Two-Year Colleges 

A recent article in Inside Higher Ed shed light on the challenges institutional leaders at two-year institutions face in adopting technology, specifically technology that supports online learning. The authors discuss how these leaders try to overcome financial constraints, staffing issues, and procurement issues to meet the increased demand for quality online learning at their institutions.   ... Uncovering the Key Patterns in Technology Adoption in Two-Year Colleges   Read More

The Year 2023 in Review

As we raise our glasses to welcome the new year, it’s time to reflect on the milestones, achievements, and strides that have defined ListEdTech’s journey through the past twelve months. Join us for this overview of ListEdTech’s projects of 2023, a testament to the pursuit of excellence and innovation that has fueled our success. Milestones ... The Year 2023 in Review  Read More

Coming Soon: A New Version of the Portal

Coming at the end of September, we will launch a new version of our portal to answer many user needs. This coincides with the second anniversary of our portal, your privileged access to our database. Since the launch of this tool, our mission has remained the same: offering a service that allows our users to ... Coming Soon: A New Version of the Portal  Read More

Does First-Mover Advantage Apply to EdTech Markets?

Timing is crucial if a company wants to set its solution as the leader in one product category. “Being the first in the market means that you can set the standards for the industry [and] establish a dominant market share. This head start could make it much harder for future competitors to catch up.” (source) In ... Does First-Mover Advantage Apply to EdTech Markets?  Read More

Exploring Differences in Our Database

As part of our regular operations, we take time to do quality control and to explore our database. When we see uncommon trends, we dig down into them to better understand what can cause these differences. In this post, we would like to dig into our dataset to explore why we have such a big ... Exploring Differences in Our Database  Read More

The Value of Interoperability in Education

This post explores further topics discussed during a presentation given at the PESC Data Summit 2023. Technological ecosystems of education institutions in the United States can be very crowded. For example, our data shows that K-12 school districts have up to thirty-eight active solutions implementations, and higher educational institutions have as many as two-hundred and ... The Value of Interoperability in Education  Read More

The LET Database Now Contains 300,000 Product Lines

Most of the time, we talk about other companies and new products in education. It’s normal: this is our core business, this is what defines us. This blog post is slightly different as we take this opportunity to celebrate a big milestone: the 300,000 product lines listed in our database. When ListEdTech was launched in ... The LET Database Now Contains 300,000 Product Lines  Read More
Robot is giving a 5-star review

Will ChatGPT Change the Review Game?

Review websites have been part of our daily lives ever since we started buying products online. Reviews date from many decades before but were controlled by media and very few sources. Nowadays, thanks to the democratization of the Internet, people can submit what they think of a product or a service. When it comes to ... Will ChatGPT Change the Review Game?  Read More

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InstructureCon 2024: A Partnership Unlocking Possibilities

I spent last week at InstructureCon 2024 in Las Vegas, experiencing the city’s scorching heat, with temperatures soaring daily between 45 and 47°C (113 and 116°F). My wife accompanied me as I celebrated the big 50. On our arrival on Monday, we had tickets to a comedy show. Being avid walkers, we thought a short ... InstructureCon 2024: A Partnership Unlocking Possibilities  Read More

The Impact of the Move to Remote Learning on K-12 Ecosystems

Technology implementations related to teaching and learning in US K-12 school districts increased during the pandemic, with a combined annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21% between 2019 and 2021. Every technology category increased over this period, with Conferencing Systems (105%), Assessment and Evaluation Solutions (22%), E-Learning Solutions (18%), and Learning Management Systems (19%) showing the ... The Impact of the Move to Remote Learning on K-12 Ecosystems  Read More

Different, But the Same

Key Takeaways for This Post Differences in Educational Structures: The text highlights significant structural differences between the higher education systems in Canada and in the United States. Canada has a higher proportion of two-year colleges compared to the US. On the other hand, the US has a notable number of institutions offering programs of less ... Different, But the Same  Read More