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Online Program Management Systems

OPM or DIY? That is the Question.

In early June, I attended Eduventures’ annual summit in Boston, a few days packed with in-depth analysis and forward-thinking. On the last day of the conference, during a breakfast panel titled “Turbulence in the Online Program Management (OPM),” I wondered which approach is the best for online education: using an OPM solution or adopting a DIY approach? This ... OPM or DIY? That is the Question.  Read More
New Implementations chart -The Transformation of the OPM Market - ListEdTech

The Transformation of the OPM Market

The Online Program Management (OPM) product category has changed in the past few years. Contrary to most product groups, the OPM market is now dominated by smaller players, grouped in the ‘Others’ in our graph jargon. Where are the previous leaders? Has the pandemic altered this category? Dr. Carl Sagan once said: “You have to ... The Transformation of the OPM Market  Read More
Running Sum New Programs OPM

The Rise of Online Program Management (OPM)

For any higher education institution looking to thrive in 2021 and beyond, the adoption of an Online Program Management system is more or less mandatory

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Work Placement New Implementations

Symplicity Expands in Canada

In early December 2021, we learned that Symplicity Corporation acquired Orbis Communications. While the acquirer is well-known for its student employability systems, the acquiree is Canada’s most trusted experiential learning solution. According to the press release, Symplicity wanted to expand its footprint in Canada. Orbis can call 100 institutions its clients. With Orbis’ solutions, connections ... Symplicity Expands in Canada  Read More
Most Common Programs - LisTedTECH

OPMs … Programs and Disciplines

OPMs ... Programs And Disciplines

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OPM Market International vs US Cumulative - LisTedTECH

International growth of Online program management (OPM)

The Online program management (OPM) market is growing in terms of the number of institutions using OPM providers and in the number of providers. The market is also showing signs of consolidation as the providers figure out how to position themselves in this competitive landscape. What we don’t hear much about is the international trend ... International growth of Online program management (OPM)  Read More

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InstructureCon 2024: A Partnership Unlocking Possibilities

I spent last week at InstructureCon 2024 in Las Vegas, experiencing the city’s scorching heat, with temperatures soaring daily between 45 and 47°C (113 and 116°F). My wife accompanied me as I celebrated the big 50. On our arrival on Monday, we had tickets to a comedy show. Being avid walkers, we thought a short ... InstructureCon 2024: A Partnership Unlocking Possibilities  Read More

The Impact of the Move to Remote Learning on K-12 Ecosystems

Technology implementations related to teaching and learning in US K-12 school districts increased during the pandemic, with a combined annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21% between 2019 and 2021. Every technology category increased over this period, with Conferencing Systems (105%), Assessment and Evaluation Solutions (22%), E-Learning Solutions (18%), and Learning Management Systems (19%) showing the ... The Impact of the Move to Remote Learning on K-12 Ecosystems  Read More

Different, But the Same

Key Takeaways for This Post Differences in Educational Structures: The text highlights significant structural differences between the higher education systems in Canada and in the United States. Canada has a higher proportion of two-year colleges compared to the US. On the other hand, the US has a notable number of institutions offering programs of less ... Different, But the Same  Read More