We were incredibly proud to launch our institution portal a little over a year ago. This essential edtech database, packed with micro and macro trends on more than 25 product categories, will become a necessary step in product selection. Today, we make things easier: our institution portal is now free of charge.
We made this decision during the last ListEdTech Summit, the annual get-together of the executive team. At the time, we reflected on our product offering and noticed how much feedback we received from institutions. This feedback is so valuable for us to understand and improve our data that we decided to open it up.
We made this portal so that you can get unbiased industry insights.
One of our goals is to add new product categories regularly. We have data on nearly 100 product categories, and the portal only contains about 25 groups. More data is on the horizon! More data means more knowledge for institution portal users.
Why Institutions Should Use Our Portal?
When selecting a new product, employees often face several challenges:
- The process takes longer than expected, and the central administration needs deliverables.
- The selection committee cannot agree on the product to choose.
- The central IT team needs statistics to support the selected product.
Our portal can help you and your team confront these challenges and provide statistical evidence to higher management.
We have the charts which can help answer questions like:
- What are the market leaders (based on decades of implementation data)?
- When product X gets replaced, which product do institutions select?
- What’s the average age per product for the market leaders?
- What do contract prices look like?
- Is this product a good fit for our enrollment size?
- How long does it take on average from RFP to Purchase to Implementation?
We also have information on peer institution data. A peer institution uses the same tech stacks but doesn’t necessarily have the same social demographic information. If your institution is in the process of selecting a new SIS, our portal will show you other peer institutions when you search for a specific SIS product. You will see up to ten institutions currently using this product and up to three that have recently decommissioned it. This way, you get an unbiased list of institutions you can contact to discuss the use of the product.
We think you’ll find this useful.
Soon, we will roll out additional features to the ListEdTech community. We want to hear what you think. As part of this new offering, you will have the opportunity to vote on new portal features. To ensure we have a strong community, we need avid portal users. Don’t wait… Create your account today!