We are happy to announce that the third annual report on grant management systems is now available for companies to buy. It is also available at no charge to institutions – more information on downloading the report is available at the post’s end.
At the core of its business strategy, ListEdTech wants to gather as much data as possible. Over the past few months, we have worked hard on updating our database to ensure the figures include the most recent information on product implementations and accurate market shares. Since the first report, we have amassed more than 4,300 product lines across the grant management product category in North America.

In preparation for this annual report, we have updated our different subcategories to reflect the market better. This update had an impact on the Grantee subcategory as some grantor solutions were previously tagged as grantees. Despite these changes, the top market leaders haven’t changed: Cayuse and Kuali. Huron comes in third position, followed by Inteum and Research Dataware.
This is only one graph of ten available in the grant management report. Be aware that the full report is available for purchase by companies. Any interested company should contact the ListEdTech team.
We are also happy to announce that our partnership with Cayuse was renewed. They will offer the report for free to all institutions. Please visit https://cayuse.com/listedtech/ to get more information. The 2022 report will be available shortly.
An important note: the grant management system report represents the higher education market and is not intended to give information on other sectors, such as medical or health groups where grant systems are used.