Search results for: "graduation rate"

Acadeum: From Struggle to Graduation
In this month’s company profile, we feature another company whose goal is to help students graduate faster by offering colleges and universities a way to meet students’ needs and enhance curricular capacity. Based in Austin (Texas), Acadeum focuses its energies on helping institutions collaborate to ensure course availability never hinders student progression. How Acadeum Positions ... Acadeum: From Struggle to Graduation Read More
Understanding the Role of Higher Education Technology in Shaping Better Student Outcomes
There has been an increasing focus on measuring the value of higher education by improving outcomes. For example, in 2021, the Education Trust analyzed state-based outcomes-based funding policies to understand whether they equitably address and advance student enrollment, retention, and completion. Likewise, organizations such as the Institute for Higher Education Policy and the Third Way highlight other metrics, such as ... Understanding the Role of Higher Education Technology in Shaping Better Student Outcomes Read More
Exploring the Benefits of Outcomes-Based Benchmarking
Many instructional leaders benchmark their institutions against others, intending to understand how to reduce expenditures and enhance productivity. Leveraging tools such as Educause’s Core Data Service, these leaders examine how their finances, staffing, and services compare against similar institutions and understand their level of maturity to launch strategic initiatives (analytics, etc.). This approach to benchmarking is ... Exploring the Benefits of Outcomes-Based Benchmarking Read More
Business Intelligence
Education is becoming an increasingly complex and demanding sector for those attempting to run successful businesses. Across much of the world, educational institutions are expected to produce better outcomes with reduced resources and fewer funds. This is where business intelligence (BI) software can be helpful in analyzing student enrolment data or graduation rates, for instance. ... Business Intelligence Read More
Relationships Between Institutional Characteristics, Student Personas and SIS
Student information systems (SIS) have significantly evolved since they first appeared in the 1960s, from essentially serving as the central store of student-related data to supporting activities such as class registration, grade management, and transcript generation. With this evolution has come increased demands on the SIS to support different student personas (traditional, transfer, etc.) and ... Relationships Between Institutional Characteristics, Student Personas and SIS Read More
What is the Role of Technology in Delivering Postsecondary Value?
The question of the value of postsecondary education has increasingly become top of mind for many people, especially given rising tuition costs and the impact of COVID-19 on college students. For example, the Gates Foundation and others have devoted much effort to defining “postsecondary value” and how institutional leaders might deploy strategies to improve it ... What is the Role of Technology in Delivering Postsecondary Value? Read More
Another Update on the Definition of (Tech) Peer Institution
Many institutional leaders seek to understand which technology other similar institutions have implemented before partnering with a specific vendor. In a previous post, we revisited our approach to determine institutional peers, intending to inform this institutional decision-making, leveraging many variables from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), such as institutional sector, enrollment size, etc. But can ... Another Update on the Definition of (Tech) Peer Institution Read More
Neolth: Student Mental Health at the Forefront
Student mental health challenges have occurred for decades, but the recent pandemic brought the subject to the forefront. Universities, colleges and even school districts propose different support systems to ensure students achieve their program requirements. In addition to institutions, companies also develop tools and diverse solutions to help students and establishments overcome mental health challenges. ... Neolth: Student Mental Health at the Forefront Read More
Business Intelligence Software for Higher Education
In order to improve both academic performance and business function, higher education providers have begun turning to business intelligence systems
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Quottly – Helping Students Graduate on Time
Student graduation rate is a challenge that many universities and colleges face. We often see student success/retention systems being implemented to tackle this situation, but what about coming back to the basics and simply helping them find courses to finish their program? As part of our monthly series on edtech companies, this month, we showcase ... Quottly – Helping Students Graduate on Time Read More
Blended Learning and Student Retention
With all this talk of blended learning and how it’s a major contributor to student satisfaction and success, I wanted to see if it had an actual impact on retention rates. My vizualisations are based on 5208 American institutions and use data from the Intergrated Postsecondary Education Data System -specifically the percentage of students that ... Blended Learning and Student Retention Read More