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Market Data

Discover Weak Links in Your Tech Stack Using the Network Tool

Selecting the right technology for your institution can be challenging, especially when there is no straightforward way to compare your decisions with peer institutions—until now. Our new Network Tool offers unparalleled insights into your tech stack, enabling you to benchmark your systems against similar institutions and identify potential weaknesses. Table of Content 🔍 What Does It Do? By ... Discover Weak Links in Your Tech Stack Using the Network Tool  Read More

The Rise of Chatbots in HigherEd: How AI is Transforming Student Support

Over the past decade, chatbots have steadily made their way into higher education, but their real impact has only become clear in recent years. Institutions are now using AI-powered chatbots to improve student support, streamline administrative tasks, and enhance engagement like never before. A Slow Start, Then a Boom In the early days, chatbots in ... The Rise of Chatbots in HigherEd: How AI is Transforming Student Support  Read More

HR Systems in HigherEd: The Shift to Cloud and the Battle for Market Share

Managing people effectively is at the heart of every higher education institution—whether it’s hiring top faculty, tracking payroll, or ensuring compliance with evolving regulations. But as colleges and universities grow in size and complexity, so do their HR needs. We observe the following trends in the HigherEd HR market: With shifting demands, the HigherEd HR ... HR Systems in HigherEd: The Shift to Cloud and the Battle for Market Share  Read More

Leveraging Network Analysis to Explore Ellucian’s Product Ecosystem 

In an earlier post, we leveraged network analysis to explore Anthology’s product ecosystem to understand whether its ” togetherness ” message was reflected in its products’ implementations. Our study revealed that while Anthology has made great strides in delivering this message, it could do more, such as creating a narrative highlighting the potential benefits of the ... Leveraging Network Analysis to Explore Ellucian’s Product Ecosystem   Read More

Educause 2024: Tracking the Evolution of HigherEd Tech Through Exhibitor Data

Justin Menard and James Wiley are in San Antonio this week for the Educause conference and hope to see many of you there. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Justin and James. The fall tradition returns with our latest analysis of the Educause exhibitor floorplan. Before we dive into this year’s trends, let’s revisit why ... Educause 2024: Tracking the Evolution of HigherEd Tech Through Exhibitor Data  Read More

What Market Saturation Looks Like in HigherEd

Market saturation occurs when a product or service has become widely distributed within a given market, leaving little room for further expansion. Businesses face increasing difficulty in attracting new customers, leading to intensified competition and reduced profit margins. In saturated markets, the search for whitespace—unexplored areas where unmet needs still exist—becomes crucial. As we prepare a ... What Market Saturation Looks Like in HigherEd  Read More

Are Institutions Embracing Same-Vendor Bundles?

Many vendors build their strategy around the idea that implementing same-vendor bundles is more valuable than combining products from various vendors. These vendors suggest bundling their products would help institutions overcome integration challenges, receive richer combined functionality, and lessen issues managing relationships with multiple vendors. To some degree, this argument makes sense. As many smartphone ... Are Institutions Embracing Same-Vendor Bundles?  Read More

Packaging New Requirement Types for LMS RFPs

At the end of our blog post on deconstructing LMS RFPs to find the most popular evaluation criteria, we mentioned that we are working on defining the functional and non-functional criteria. Over the past month and a half, we have worked on grouping the different requirement types. Rapidly, we understood that it’s not a matter ... Packaging New Requirement Types for LMS RFPs  Read More

Deconstructing LMS RFPs: The Most Popular Evaluation Criteria

Writing a request for proposals to replace your current LMS is one of the most daunting tasks for non-procurement specialists. To help you accomplish this, you may decide to browse listserv archives or again, you may ask your colleagues in other universities what they included in this type of document. As an alternative, you could ... Deconstructing LMS RFPs: The Most Popular Evaluation Criteria  Read More

Breaking the Mold: A Fresh Perspective on Forecasting Technology Implementation Trends

We all love making predictions. They help us deal with uncertainty, which has undoubtedly come into sharp focus over the past year. The issue with forecasting, however, is that they are often wrong—some spectacularly so. And those involving higher education technology are no exception: just remember those projections about the supposed disruptive power of massive ... Breaking the Mold: A Fresh Perspective on Forecasting Technology Implementation Trends  Read More

RFPs Trends and Updates – December 2023

The ListEdTech team has been tracking RFP data for just over three years now (you can read previous posts on our website). During this time, we learned how much value RFPs bring to institutions looking to replace one of their edtech solutions. In addition to giving insights on upcoming popular product categories, past RFPs can ... RFPs Trends and Updates – December 2023  Read More

When Do Leaders Retire Their Existing LMS?

Those interested in education technology often want to get insight into when institutional leaders are likely to replace their technological solutions to make better predictions about future trends, or inform sales and marketing efforts. The most common approach to gain this understanding is to look at the average time between acquisitions and retirements of products ... When Do Leaders Retire Their Existing LMS?  Read More

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Discover Weak Links in Your Tech Stack Using the Network Tool

Selecting the right technology for your institution can be challenging, especially when there is no straightforward way to compare your decisions with peer institutions—until now. Our new Network Tool offers unparalleled insights into your tech stack, enabling you to benchmark your systems against similar institutions and identify potential weaknesses. Table of Content 🔍 What Does It Do? By ... Discover Weak Links in Your Tech Stack Using the Network Tool  Read More

The Rise of Chatbots in HigherEd: How AI is Transforming Student Support

Over the past decade, chatbots have steadily made their way into higher education, but their real impact has only become clear in recent years. Institutions are now using AI-powered chatbots to improve student support, streamline administrative tasks, and enhance engagement like never before. A Slow Start, Then a Boom In the early days, chatbots in ... The Rise of Chatbots in HigherEd: How AI is Transforming Student Support  Read More

HR Systems in HigherEd: The Shift to Cloud and the Battle for Market Share

Managing people effectively is at the heart of every higher education institution—whether it’s hiring top faculty, tracking payroll, or ensuring compliance with evolving regulations. But as colleges and universities grow in size and complexity, so do their HR needs. We observe the following trends in the HigherEd HR market: With shifting demands, the HigherEd HR ... HR Systems in HigherEd: The Shift to Cloud and the Battle for Market Share  Read More