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Institution Data

IT Staffing Comparison: Higher Ed and K-12

In today’s educational landscape, the role of IT staff has never been more critical. From supporting research-intensive universities to managing devices in K-12 classrooms, IT teams ensure the technology backbone of institutions runs smoothly. But how do staffing levels differ within higher education or school districts? An IT staffing comparison reveals the factors driving these ... IT Staffing Comparison: Higher Ed and K-12  Read More

Exploring the Benefits of Outcomes-Based Benchmarking

Many instructional leaders benchmark their institutions against others, intending to understand how to reduce expenditures and enhance productivity. Leveraging tools such as Educause’s Core Data Service, these leaders examine how their finances, staffing, and services compare against similar institutions and understand their level of maturity to launch strategic initiatives (analytics, etc.). This approach to benchmarking is ... Exploring the Benefits of Outcomes-Based Benchmarking  Read More

Top IT Projects Shaping HigherEd in 2024

Since the publication of this post, we have received questions about how we conducted our research. To create our Top 10, we scanned the content of 81 IT Project websites from North America and Europe. We did not look at institution websites for separate projects like:  We only looked at current projects listed in the ... Top IT Projects Shaping HigherEd in 2024  Read More

Uncovering the Key Patterns in Technology Adoption in Two-Year Colleges 

A recent article in Inside Higher Ed shed light on the challenges institutional leaders at two-year institutions face in adopting technology, specifically technology that supports online learning. The authors discuss how these leaders try to overcome financial constraints, staffing issues, and procurement issues to meet the increased demand for quality online learning at their institutions.   ... Uncovering the Key Patterns in Technology Adoption in Two-Year Colleges   Read More

RFPs Trends and Updates – December 2023

The ListEdTech team has been tracking RFP data for just over three years now (you can read previous posts on our website). During this time, we learned how much value RFPs bring to institutions looking to replace one of their edtech solutions. In addition to giving insights on upcoming popular product categories, past RFPs can ... RFPs Trends and Updates – December 2023  Read More

What is the Role of Technology in Delivering Postsecondary Value? 

The question of the value of postsecondary education has increasingly become top of mind for many people, especially given rising tuition costs and the impact of COVID-19 on college students. For example, the Gates Foundation and others have devoted much effort to defining “postsecondary value” and how institutional leaders might deploy strategies to improve it ... What is the Role of Technology in Delivering Postsecondary Value?   Read More

Another Update on the Definition of (Tech) Peer Institution  

Many institutional leaders seek to understand which technology other similar institutions have implemented before partnering with a specific vendor. In a previous post, we revisited our approach to determine institutional peers, intending to inform this institutional decision-making, leveraging many variables from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), such as institutional sector, enrollment size, etc. But can ... Another Update on the Definition of (Tech) Peer Institution    Read More

The Road to Secure the First 1,000 Clients

What do Google, Instructure and Datatel have in common? They all started with a powerful idea but with next to no clients. This pathway to success is even the title of a podcast series hosted by Mitch Russo and is often the topic of business articles (here’s an example from inc.com). When we know that ... The Road to Secure the First 1,000 Clients  Read More

Gaining Deeper Insight into Implementation Trends

Most people love looking at implementation trends. For example, many of us pore over trends, such as how our favorite sports teams have done over the past ten games or how the stock market has performed this year. Those of us in the world of education analyze student success metrics (retention rates, etc.), institutional revenues, ... Gaining Deeper Insight into Implementation Trends  Read More

RFP Data – Mid-2023 Update

We know that some of our newsletter subscribers crave our RFP data. Considering it’s been over six months since our last update on the “RFP Data – Market Priorities,” we thought it would be a good time to see if early 2023 brought some new trends in the different product categories. Since the first iteration ... RFP Data – Mid-2023 Update  Read More

Understanding Technology Bundles 

We often receive questions from institutional leaders and vendors about which bundles of technology institutions have implemented. Institutional leaders ask this question to inform decision-making about which technologies to implement. Vendors often want to gain insight into these bundles to understand how institutions arrange their technologies and see where their products might fit.   But is ... Understanding Technology Bundles   Read More

Dual View: Another Perspective on the Market Share

We usually present the market share for the product categories using the number of institutions. This is currently our default view. However, this way of presenting does not tell everything, and stakeholders should have access to other metrics when making product selections. This post compares market share by the number of institutions and enrollment to ... Dual View: Another Perspective on the Market Share  Read More

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