
Three Enrollment Trends Impacting Education Technology Markets
Where students go, what they study, and how they learn impact edtech markets. This post focuses on three trends in undergraduate enrollment that are unfolding across US higher education and how those trends will impact specific education technology segments. Big Schools Are Getting Bigger. The higher education landscape, through the lens of the number of ... Three Enrollment Trends Impacting Education Technology Markets Read More
Was Christensen Right?
Known for his disruptive innovation theory, Clayton Christensen said in February 2013, “15 years from now, maybe half of the universities will be in bankruptcy… including state schools.” Four years later, in 2017, he even claimed it would take less than a decade, “probably nine years,” for this to happen. At the time, to support his idea, he mentioned ... Was Christensen Right? Read More
The Workforce Development, Continuing Education SIS Solutions
Used every day by millions of users to manage student data, student information systems are expanding into the professional world. Since universities now offer lifelong learning opportunities to increase revenues, the once-used spreadsheet method no longer answers the management needs of continuing education centres across North America. This post looks at some SIS focusing exclusively ... The Workforce Development, Continuing Education SIS Solutions Read More
How School Closures Impacted Anthology’s Client Base
Last week, James and I attended Anthology Together, where I got the chance to meet with some Anthology executives, clients and service providers. During one of these meetings, I had an interesting discussion on school closures and their impact. When I returned to my hotel room, I looked into Anthology’s clients to better understand the situation. ... How School Closures Impacted Anthology’s Client Base Read More
OPM or DIY? That is the Question.
In early June, I attended Eduventures’ annual summit in Boston, a few days packed with in-depth analysis and forward-thinking. On the last day of the conference, during a breakfast panel titled “Turbulence in the Online Program Management (OPM),” I wondered which approach is the best for online education: using an OPM solution or adopting a DIY approach? This ... OPM or DIY? That is the Question. Read More
Another Update on the Definition of (Tech) Peer Institution
Many institutional leaders seek to understand which technology other similar institutions have implemented before partnering with a specific vendor. In a previous post, we revisited our approach to determine institutional peers, intending to inform this institutional decision-making, leveraging many variables from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), such as institutional sector, enrollment size, etc. But can ... Another Update on the Definition of (Tech) Peer Institution Read More
Product Category Reports: Unleashing the Growth Potential
Like many Americans and Canadians, we celebrated in the past week with family and friends. These celebrations didn’t stop us from continuing to work on our product category reports. Even though we announced that our reports are now available for purchase in May, we never took the time to explain the information in these reports. ... Product Category Reports: Unleashing the Growth Potential Read More
Does First-Mover Advantage Apply to EdTech Markets?
Timing is crucial if a company wants to set its solution as the leader in one product category. “Being the first in the market means that you can set the standards for the industry [and] establish a dominant market share. This head start could make it much harder for future competitors to catch up.” (source) In ... Does First-Mover Advantage Apply to EdTech Markets? Read More
Instructure: From LMS to Learning Ecosystem
Instructure’s story is similar to many other companies: one day, a few friends or colleagues joined forces to develop a new product to overcome current challenges. Instructure’s learning management system stands out from the competition by its fast adoption rate: in less than eight years, Canvas implementations reached over 1,000 clients, with continued sustained upward ... Instructure: From LMS to Learning Ecosystem Read More
The Road to Secure the First 1,000 Clients
What do Google, Instructure and Datatel have in common? They all started with a powerful idea but with next to no clients. This pathway to success is even the title of a podcast series hosted by Mitch Russo and is often the topic of business articles (here’s an example from When we know that ... The Road to Secure the First 1,000 Clients Read More
Gaining Deeper Insight into Implementation Trends
Most people love looking at implementation trends. For example, many of us pore over trends, such as how our favorite sports teams have done over the past ten games or how the stock market has performed this year. Those of us in the world of education analyze student success metrics (retention rates, etc.), institutional revenues, ... Gaining Deeper Insight into Implementation Trends Read More