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Learning Management Systems

Historical LMS Market Share - LisTedTECH

Update: LMS Usage In Large Online Programs (Top 50 in US)

By: Phil Hill and Justin Menard. Cross-posted at e-Literate Three and a half years ago Phil wrote a post “Snapshot of LMS Market for Large Online Programs in the US” giving a view into this growing segment of higher education.  Large online enrollment institutions typically mean a centrally-coordinated provision of online courses, often with duplicate course ... Update: LMS Usage In Large Online Programs (Top 50 in US)  Read More
Historical LMS Market Share - LisTedTECH

Blackboard Down!

With the help of a social media monitoring service from Cyclope Labs, we have been tapping into the massive amount of data from Twitter. The goal was to see if we could find useful data that would help enrich our understanding of the LMS market dynamics (including our LMS subscription service). We used several filters ... Blackboard Down!  Read More
Historical LMS Market Share - LisTedTECH

Is the LMS a Billion dollar Market?

After reading an article entitled “Billion-dollar e-learning market about to undergo major shift“, I started wondering if that number, the “billion dollar”, was actually a good evaluation. Several questions came to mind: Since this is a big and difficult question to answer, consider this my attempt to contribute to that discussion with the data I have at my ... Is the LMS a Billion dollar Market?  Read More
Institutions running Canvas Pilot - LisTedTECH

LMS Pilots as Lead Indicators of Market Movements

As promised in our last post, we will look at the HigherEd institutions that are currently running a Canvas pilot. Pilots are an experimental feature of the LISTedTECH wiki so comparisons to other vendors are difficult at this point. Consequently, we will only focus on the Canvas pilots for now. We can however tell you that ... LMS Pilots as Lead Indicators of Market Movements  Read More
Historical LMS Market Share - LisTedTECH

LMS Overview of Market Share

In our last post, we used the LMS implementation dates to show how the market is evolving based on which systems are being selected for new implementations. In this post, we will also take into account decommissioning dates, so we are only left with active implementations per year. We’re proposing below an historical LMS overview ... LMS Overview of Market Share  Read More
Historical LMS Market Share - LisTedTECH

LMS Providers’ Market Share by Implementation Year

In this post, we will look at how LMS providers are sharing the North American market based on new LMS implementations. As you know, the landscape of the LMS market is constantly changing. To visualize this movement, we usually look at year over year percentage change of a vendor’s market share. Below is a traditional ... LMS Providers’ Market Share by Implementation Year  Read More
Historical LMS Market Share - LisTedTECH

Top HigherEd LMS vendors and the company’s client base

We’ve previously looked at how the LMS market evolved over time (here and here), providing insights into which vendor will dominate in the near future. But what is the current state of the market? Who are the LMS vendors’ clients? In this post, we want to look at the LMS vendors’ client base to see if the ... Top HigherEd LMS vendors and the company’s client base  Read More
Free LMS or Open Source LMS used in Higher Ed - LisTedTECH

Free LMS or Open Source LMS used in Higher Ed

Oftentimes, the choice for a new Learning Management System (LMS) is dictated by cost considerations. That requirement will divide the choices at your HigherEd institution’s disposal. We’re proposing below an exploration of those 2 distinct markets: proprietary LMS and free LMS / open source LMS. Splitting the LMS Market Between Open Source and Proprietary Dominating Players in Each Market ... Free LMS or Open Source LMS used in Higher Ed  Read More
Best LMS - LisTedTECH

Best LMS

How do you determine the best LMS? Do you look at the number of features, the price, ask for feedback from your peers or  a combination of all these? There is definitely not one perfect learning management system (LMS) that answers every need. Narrowing your selection to a few that answer your functional and technical requirements ... Best LMS  Read More
HigherEd Canvas Clients - LisTedTECH

Canvas Learning Management System

As I discussed in my last post (LMS Market Share – LMS Trends), the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) is the fastest growing LMS in Higher Education. Its market share is increasing considerably and is currently getting over 25% of new implementations. It’s an impressive feat considering that it has only been in the LMS HigherEd market ... Canvas Learning Management System  Read More
New LMS in HigherEd - LisTedTECH

LMS Market Share – LMS Trends

The Higher Education market share for Learning Management Systems (LMS) has been looked at and tracked for as long as they have been used in colleges and universities. For years, The Campus Computing Project has been the reference used to get better insight on the LMS usage in HigherEd. This information is based on surveys of institutions (the ... LMS Market Share – LMS Trends  Read More
New LMS in HigherEd - LisTedTECH

WebCT and How it Helped Open Source LMS

Ten years ago, in October 2005, Blackboard announced the purchase of WebCT for $180M USD ($218M in current USD). This announcement caused ripples in higher education. It was the second biggest merger to be announced in as many weeks. The first such purchase was of PeopleSoft by Oracle. The merger of the two biggest LMS companies was received ... WebCT and How it Helped Open Source LMS  Read More

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InstructureCon 2024: A Partnership Unlocking Possibilities

I spent last week at InstructureCon 2024 in Las Vegas, experiencing the city’s scorching heat, with temperatures soaring daily between 45 and 47°C (113 and 116°F). My wife accompanied me as I celebrated the big 50. On our arrival on Monday, we had tickets to a comedy show. Being avid walkers, we thought a short ... InstructureCon 2024: A Partnership Unlocking Possibilities  Read More

The Impact of the Move to Remote Learning on K-12 Ecosystems

Technology implementations related to teaching and learning in US K-12 school districts increased during the pandemic, with a combined annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21% between 2019 and 2021. Every technology category increased over this period, with Conferencing Systems (105%), Assessment and Evaluation Solutions (22%), E-Learning Solutions (18%), and Learning Management Systems (19%) showing the ... The Impact of the Move to Remote Learning on K-12 Ecosystems  Read More

Different, But the Same

Key Takeaways for This Post Differences in Educational Structures: The text highlights significant structural differences between the higher education systems in Canada and in the United States. Canada has a higher proportion of two-year colleges compared to the US. On the other hand, the US has a notable number of institutions offering programs of less ... Different, But the Same  Read More