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Does First-Mover Advantage Apply to EdTech Markets?

Timing is crucial if a company wants to set its solution as the leader in one product category. “Being the first in the market means that you can set the standards for the industry [and] establish a dominant market share. This head start could make it much harder for future competitors to catch up.” (source) In ... Does First-Mover Advantage Apply to EdTech Markets?  Read More

Exploring Differences in Our Database

As part of our regular operations, we take time to do quality control and to explore our database. When we see uncommon trends, we dig down into them to better understand what can cause these differences. In this post, we would like to dig into our dataset to explore why we have such a big ... Exploring Differences in Our Database  Read More

The Value of Interoperability in Education

This post explores further topics discussed during a presentation given at the PESC Data Summit 2023. Technological ecosystems of education institutions in the United States can be very crowded. For example, our data shows that K-12 school districts have up to thirty-eight active solutions implementations, and higher educational institutions have as many as two-hundred and ... The Value of Interoperability in Education  Read More

The LET Database Now Contains 300,000 Product Lines

Most of the time, we talk about other companies and new products in education. It’s normal: this is our core business, this is what defines us. This blog post is slightly different as we take this opportunity to celebrate a big milestone: the 300,000 product lines listed in our database. When ListEdTech was launched in ... The LET Database Now Contains 300,000 Product Lines  Read More
Robot is giving a 5-star review

Will ChatGPT Change the Review Game?

Review websites have been part of our daily lives ever since we started buying products online. Reviews date from many decades before but were controlled by media and very few sources. Nowadays, thanks to the democratization of the Internet, people can submit what they think of a product or a service. When it comes to ... Will ChatGPT Change the Review Game?  Read More

The Evolution of RFP Decisions

When we talk about procurement in higher education, it usually involves requests for proposals (RFPs), at least if your institution is public. You need to follow several rules, making sure to publish your RFPs on designated websites. We know the drill, and some might find the process cumbersome. From a data standpoint, at ListEdTech, we ... The Evolution of RFP Decisions  Read More
Postcard Happy Holidays from ListEdTech

That’s a Wrap for 2022!

December is the ideal moment to recap what we have accomplished over the past year. At ListEdTech, this last month of the calendar year indicates how much we have grown our database since January. Looking back through the year, we are happy to see a larger coverage in numerous product categories. The following graphs show ... That’s a Wrap for 2022!  Read More
CBM computer - What is Your Institution's Most Challenging EdTech Deal? - ListEdTech

What is Your Institution’s Most Challenging EdTech Deal?

This is a question that I’ve been thinking about for nearly two decades: “What is your institution’s most challenging edtech deal?”  Before I created the Student Affairs and Technology blog for Inside Higher Ed, I was blogging. I was a graduate student when I started using WordPress. My posts were frequently about how technology could be ... What is Your Institution’s Most Challenging EdTech Deal?  Read More
Market share longtail portals - New Category on the Portal: K-12 Portal Now Live - ListEdTech

New Category on the Portal: K-12 Portal Now Live

At ListEdTech, our goal is to help institutions and companies have access to more data to make better decisions. In mid-August of 2022, we made the Portals product category available for HigherEd. Today, we are happy to announce that the K-12 Portal subgroup is now accessible on our portal. Even though we are still working ... New Category on the Portal: K-12 Portal Now Live  Read More
multiple computers as an illustration of multiple systems

The Importance of Identifying Primary and Secondary Systems

We had our first-ever live stream last week as we announced that the institution portal would be free for college/university users. Justin Menard, CEO of ListEdTech, and I talked about the origins of ListEdTech and the rationale for moving the portal to a free service. Here’s the full conversation: ListEdTech LIVE https://t.co/lmqXjwoU5W — ListEdTech (@Listedtech) August 30, ... The Importance of Identifying Primary and Secondary Systems  Read More
ListEdTech Portal is now free for institutions

Our Institution Portal Is Now Free

We were incredibly proud to launch our institution portal a little over a year ago. This essential edtech database, packed with micro and macro trends on more than 25 product categories, will become a necessary step in product selection. Today, we make things easier: our institution portal is now free of charge. We made this ... Our Institution Portal Is Now Free  Read More

Justin’s Thoughts on Anthology Together

Earlier this month, I was invited to attend the annual Anthology/Blackboard conference, entitled Anthology Together. This was my first time attending an Anthology or a Blackboard conference. The conference took place at the Walt Disney World Dolphin Resort in Orlando (Florida) from July 11th to July 14th, 2022 and had about 2,200 total attendees. I must say that ... Justin’s Thoughts on Anthology Together  Read More

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Discover Weak Links in Your Tech Stack Using the Network Tool

Selecting the right technology for your institution can be challenging, especially when there is no straightforward way to compare your decisions with peer institutions—until now. Our new Network Tool offers unparalleled insights into your tech stack, enabling you to benchmark your systems against similar institutions and identify potential weaknesses. Table of Content 🔍 What Does It Do? By ... Discover Weak Links in Your Tech Stack Using the Network Tool  Read More

The Rise of Chatbots in HigherEd: How AI is Transforming Student Support

Over the past decade, chatbots have steadily made their way into higher education, but their real impact has only become clear in recent years. Institutions are now using AI-powered chatbots to improve student support, streamline administrative tasks, and enhance engagement like never before. A Slow Start, Then a Boom In the early days, chatbots in ... The Rise of Chatbots in HigherEd: How AI is Transforming Student Support  Read More

HR Systems in HigherEd: The Shift to Cloud and the Battle for Market Share

Managing people effectively is at the heart of every higher education institution—whether it’s hiring top faculty, tracking payroll, or ensuring compliance with evolving regulations. But as colleges and universities grow in size and complexity, so do their HR needs. We observe the following trends in the HigherEd HR market: With shifting demands, the HigherEd HR ... HR Systems in HigherEd: The Shift to Cloud and the Battle for Market Share  Read More