
What 25,000 Implementations Tell Us About the North American LMS Market
Note: This post combines all K-12 school districts and HigherEd institutions in North America. The North American LMS market has evolved a lot over the past decade. The change is not in the proposed solutions but in the leading systems. In 2014, the two leading products were Moodle (31%) followed by Blackboard (26%). Today, Canvas ... What 25,000 Implementations Tell Us About the North American LMS Market Read More
How Artificial Intelligence Might Accelerate the Convergence of Edtech Systems
The potential transformation of education through technology is a recurring topic among scholars, university staff, and companies. Many predicted that technologies such as learning management systems, massive open online courses (MOOCs), and open educational resources (OER) would significantly impact how institutions delivered student education. Similarly, many commentators have speculated on how artificial intelligence might impact education. ... How Artificial Intelligence Might Accelerate the Convergence of Edtech Systems Read More
An Update on the K-12 SIS Implementations
We think it’s time for another update on the student information systems used in the K-12 submarket. We published our initial post on K-12 student information system historical implementations in April 2020 and did an update in July 2021, then in October 2022. Let’s dig once again into the SIS used in K-12 to ensure ... An Update on the K-12 SIS Implementations Read More
Our Take on Learning Management Vendor Conferences (D2L, Anthology, Instructure, and Moodle)
Our data shows that, on average, institutions retain their learning management systems for just under eight and a half years and that, overall, implementations have slowed over the past ten years. Given these findings, learning management systems vendors face significant pressure to differentiate their products by highlighting existing features or launching new ones to convince ... Our Take on Learning Management Vendor Conferences (D2L, Anthology, Instructure, and Moodle) Read More
Ellucian to Expand its Global Reach With Tribal Group’s Acquisition
When Ellucian announced the acquisition of Tribal Group on October 5th, I wondered what this could mean for the Virginia company. Ellucian is known for its three suits of products (Banner, Colleague, and PowerCampus), and Tribal Group is also active in ERP and CRM product categories, the two companies thus being a better fit than ... Ellucian to Expand its Global Reach With Tribal Group’s Acquisition Read More
Our 2023 Analysis of the Educause Exhibitor’s Floor Plan
Each year in October, Educause holds its annual conference. It’s the perfect time for institutions, solution providers, and consultants to meet and discuss technological needs. Since 2021, we have compiled data on the exhibitor floor plan to see if it could reflect some market trends in edtech. What can we infer from this year’s floor ... Our 2023 Analysis of the Educause Exhibitor’s Floor Plan Read More
How Policies Delayed the Adoption of Cloud Solutions
We often think that internal processes or business decisions influence an institution to choose a cloud solution over on-premises software. After all, cloud solutions are cost-effective, reliable, and almost always available and comply with local security and data protection regulations. Despite the many advantages, challenges exist for cloud solutions. Adopting the Patriot Act in 2006 ... How Policies Delayed the Adoption of Cloud Solutions Read More
What is the Role of Technology in Delivering Postsecondary Value?
The question of the value of postsecondary education has increasingly become top of mind for many people, especially given rising tuition costs and the impact of COVID-19 on college students. For example, the Gates Foundation and others have devoted much effort to defining “postsecondary value” and how institutional leaders might deploy strategies to improve it ... What is the Role of Technology in Delivering Postsecondary Value? Read More
Historical Evolution of the HigherEd SIS Market Share: September 2023 Update
It’s the time of year when we present our update on the evolution of the SIS market share for the U.S. and Canada. Since the pandemic hit, the HigherEd SIS market share has remained stable. However, we would like to give you additional information on specific data. Over the years, we have amassed data on ... Historical Evolution of the HigherEd SIS Market Share: September 2023 Update Read More
Generative AI – Towards Operational Efficiency in Non-Student Facing Functions
Overheard recently at an edtech conference, “The most positive thing to come out of the advancements in generative AI in higher ed is that we don’t have to hear about the great potential for blockchain as much.” Certainly, generative AI has already made positive contributions to higher ed, but the point is that talk is ... Generative AI – Towards Operational Efficiency in Non-Student Facing Functions Read More
Coming Soon: A New Version of the Portal
Coming at the end of September, we will launch a new version of our portal to answer many user needs. This coincides with the second anniversary of our portal, your privileged access to our database. Since the launch of this tool, our mission has remained the same: offering a service that allows our users to ... Coming Soon: A New Version of the Portal Read More