Institution Data

Dual View: Another Perspective on the Market Share
We usually present the market share for the product categories using the number of institutions. This is currently our default view. However, this way of presenting does not tell everything, and stakeholders should have access to other metrics when making product selections. This post compares market share by the number of institutions and enrollment to ... Dual View: Another Perspective on the Market Share Read More
Understanding the Key Drivers of Technology Implementations
Often, we look at technology implementations in higher education by the type of institutions, such as public or private, two-or four-year, or large or small enrollment sizes. This approach can be helpful to leaders who want to inform their decision-making by seeing which technologies similar institutions have implemented. Likewise, viewing the landscape of implementations this ... Understanding the Key Drivers of Technology Implementations Read More
RFP Data – Market Priorities
For the past couple of years, we have been tracking RFP data to help us better understand future trends in system implementations. Because of the nature of a request for proposals, this data also gives us an additional indicator of which institutions might change their systems, which is our core business. Since the first iteration ... RFP Data – Market Priorities Read More
Shifting Enrollments in US Colleges During the Pandemic: Going Online
With the late August release of IPEDS enrollment data, we have new, important views into the enrolment shifts that have occurred across US higher education. Specifically, another year of 12-month enrollment data was released- allowing for more segmented measurements of how the impact of the pandemic has been playing out in terms of shifting enrollments ... Shifting Enrollments in US Colleges During the Pandemic: Going Online Read More
Are Institutions Buying More From the Same Product Suite?
This post originates from a discussion with a client. He was wondering if an institution tends to select additional products from the same product suite if it were to expand its IT offering. From the data collected at ListEdTech, the answer is that it depends on the product category. For some product groups, we note ... Are Institutions Buying More From the Same Product Suite? Read More
SIS Investments Doubled in 2021: Our Numbers
On June 14, 2022, at least three HigherEd-oriented websites (Inside HigherEd; Higher Ed Dive; EdScoop) published articles stating that investments in the SIS product group doubled in 2021. The authors referenced a report by the Tambellini Group. In this post, we want to add some data insights on SIS implementations available in our database. For ... SIS Investments Doubled in 2021: Our Numbers Read More
Domain names, what do they say about your HigherEd Institution?
Today, we are digging into a topic outside of our regular sandbox: Institution URLs and the type of information they can provide on an institution. To produce this post, we have gathered the data from the ListedTech database to sort the domains used by over 77,000 institutions across the globe. Our database of 77,000+ institutions ... Domain names, what do they say about your HigherEd Institution? Read More
Average Software Budget
One of our clients questioned us if we have any way to know the average software budget by institutions every year. Without any preliminary research, our initial answer was no. Then, a few months passed, during which we drilled down contracts and other implementation data. Now, we can say that we have a vague idea. ... Average Software Budget Read More
Companies Can Now Access Our Portal
Edtech companies, we know that you are always looking for data to back up your business decisions or to understand where you stand in your market. Today, we have launched a new type of access for our portal, specially designed for you. On our portal, you are now able to find the most recent market ... Companies Can Now Access Our Portal Read More
What is a peer institution for Education?
When it comes to product selection, a question that is often asked is: what product is implemented in a comparable institution? This is a normal and healthy exercise. To be able to answer this question, we first need to set some criteria to define what is a peer institution. Criteria to define a “peer institution” ... What is a peer institution for Education? Read More