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Learning Management Systems

D2L: Transforming How the World Learns

From a small LMS company gaining customers mostly from Canadian institutions 20 years ago to the second most implemented learning management system since the pandemic across North America, D2L (previously known as Desire2Learn) shows that David can become a contender to Goliath. The Inception D2L was established in 1999 by John Baker, a Canadian entrepreneur ... D2L: Transforming How the World Learns  Read More

Dual View: Another Perspective on the Market Share

We usually present the market share for the product categories using the number of institutions. This is currently our default view. However, this way of presenting does not tell everything, and stakeholders should have access to other metrics when making product selections. This post compares market share by the number of institutions and enrollment to ... Dual View: Another Perspective on the Market Share  Read More

Predicting What Institutions Will Select for their Next LMS

Over the past few months, we received a lot of requests to update this blog post. We agree that for LMS vendors and institutions in the process of changing their LMS, this post could be of interest. However, we have noticed that predicting what an institution will select for its next LMS is not just ... Predicting What Institutions Will Select for their Next LMS  Read More

Understanding the Key Drivers of Technology Implementations

Often, we look at technology implementations in higher education by the type of institutions, such as public or private, two-or four-year, or large or small enrollment sizes. This approach can be helpful to leaders who want to inform their decision-making by seeing which technologies similar institutions have implemented. Likewise, viewing the landscape of implementations this ... Understanding the Key Drivers of Technology Implementations  Read More

Learning Management Systems in Canada

This post is in its third iteration (2015; 2020, 2023). In 2020, we focused our graphs and analysis on historical implementation data. For this update, we look at the most current market shares in Canada’s LMS market. We also kept the historical market shares and new implementations as references for data fanatics. Canada has a ... Learning Management Systems in Canada  Read More
Most Common SIS and LMS Used in Community Colleges- ListEdTech

Most Common SIS and LMS Used in Community Colleges

Community colleges are often an afterthought in the HigherEd world. Yet, in the United States, there are almost 1,500 institutions, and in Canada, a little over 200. These community colleges north of the 28th parallel register more than 5.5 million students. It is time to specifically showcase community colleges in a post. Today, we want ... Most Common SIS and LMS Used in Community Colleges  Read More
LMS and SIS chart 2022 - SIS and LMS Used in School Districts - ListEdTech

SIS and LMS Used in School Districts

Have you ever asked yourself: which SIS is used with a given LMS? When an institution considers replacing its learning management system, it may want to know what is the most implemented LMS with its current SIS. At ListEdTech, this type of question fuels our creativity as we like to better understand the data we ... SIS and LMS Used in School Districts  Read More
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The Educause Post Got Traction

Last week’s post got lots of coverage. Some bloggers played with the data to build alternative versions of some graphs, while others commented on the post and generated many remarks on reposts. I would like to thank everyone who shared the Educause post or commented on it. It’s good to see that the edtech community ... The Educause Post Got Traction  Read More
Educause Total Floor Surface of Big Exhibitors by Product Category chart - Does the Educause Exhibitor's Floor Plan Reflect Market Trends in HigherEd IT? The 2022 Update - ListEdTech

Does the Educause Exhibitor’s Floor Plan Reflect Market Trends in HigherEd IT? The 2022 Update

This week, it’s Educause annual conference with its second in-person participation after the online-only pandemic year. After the 2021 conference, we wrote about the floor plan possibly reflecting the market trend. Will this year’s floor plan show the same results? Research Methodology I first retrieved all floor plans and exhibitors’ lists since 2012 (except for ... Does the Educause Exhibitor’s Floor Plan Reflect Market Trends in HigherEd IT? The 2022 Update  Read More
K-12 LMS Market Share chart - Update on the K-12 LMS Historical Market - ListEdTech

Update on the K-12 LMS Historical Market

In June 2021, we published an update on the K-12 learning management systems. At the time, we had not noticed that some numbers did not adequately represent the market. Having adjusted our scrapers at the end of 2021, we then published an update. This post presents the most recent data we amassed on K-12 LMS ... Update on the K-12 LMS Historical Market  Read More
Increase Online Enrollment 19-20 and 20-21 - Shifting Enrollments in US Colleges During the Pandemic: Going Online - ListEdTech

Shifting Enrollments in US Colleges During the Pandemic: Going Online

With the late August release of IPEDS enrollment data, we have new, important views into the enrolment shifts that have occurred across US higher education. Specifically, another year of 12-month enrollment data was released- allowing for more segmented measurements of how the impact of the pandemic has been playing out in terms of shifting enrollments ... Shifting Enrollments in US Colleges During the Pandemic: Going Online  Read More
chart - itslearning Exits the US Market - ListEdTech

itslearning Exits the US Market

Last week, we found a document that said: “During the 2021-2022 school year, itsLearing [sic] announced it was ending service to all of North America.” At first, we were surprised but tried to understand the announcement. We contacted Phil Hill to get his input on the itslearning move. “[I] knew they were exploring options but ... itslearning Exits the US Market  Read More

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The Rise of Chatbots in HigherEd: How AI is Transforming Student Support

Over the past decade, chatbots have steadily made their way into higher education, but their real impact has only become clear in recent years. Institutions are now using AI-powered chatbots to improve student support, streamline administrative tasks, and enhance engagement like never before. A Slow Start, Then a Boom In the early days, chatbots in ... The Rise of Chatbots in HigherEd: How AI is Transforming Student Support  Read More

HR Systems in HigherEd: The Shift to Cloud and the Battle for Market Share

Managing people effectively is at the heart of every higher education institution—whether it’s hiring top faculty, tracking payroll, or ensuring compliance with evolving regulations. But as colleges and universities grow in size and complexity, so do their HR needs. We observe the following trends in the HigherEd HR market: With shifting demands, the HigherEd HR ... HR Systems in HigherEd: The Shift to Cloud and the Battle for Market Share  Read More

Understanding Upgrades in the Education Technology Market

When analyzing the education technology market, we often focus on two key indicators: market decommissioning (when institutions phase out a product) and new implementations (when institutions adopt a new system). These trends help us gauge customer satisfaction and vendor success. However, there’s another crucial factor that often goes unnoticed: how institutions move within a vendor’s product lineup—a process we call upgrading. ... Understanding Upgrades in the Education Technology Market  Read More