
Neolth: Student Mental Health at the Forefront
Student mental health challenges have occurred for decades, but the recent pandemic brought the subject to the forefront. Universities, colleges and even school districts propose different support systems to ensure students achieve their program requirements. In addition to institutions, companies also develop tools and diverse solutions to help students and establishments overcome mental health challenges. ... Neolth: Student Mental Health at the Forefront Read More
Business Intelligence Software for Higher Education
In order to improve both academic performance and business function, higher education providers have begun turning to business intelligence systems
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Proctor Systems: Striking the Right Balance
The use of online proctoring systems has likewise grown throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. For academic institutions and service providers, distance learning is not quite as simple as providing study aids, learning resources, and one-on-one support via digital channels.
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Elsevier to Acquire Interfolio
Nothing prepared the HigherEd market for the announcement of Elsevier acquiring Interfolio on April 21st. It is indeed rare that a smaller player (#2 in this case) would purchase the leader of a product category. But when we look at the two companies, it makes total sense why Elsevier would purchase Interfolio. Summary of the ... Elsevier to Acquire Interfolio Read More
Jenzabar: From a Class Enrollment Portal to a Multi-Product Platform
The story behind Jenzabar is strongly linked to its CEO and Founder Chai Ling. Chai, a Chinese native came to the US in 1990 to study public affairs. She then worked at Bain & Co. where she met her future husband Robert A. Maginn Jr. By the end of the decade, she received an M.B.A. ... Jenzabar: From a Class Enrollment Portal to a Multi-Product Platform Read More
Average Software Budget
One of our clients questioned us if we have any way to know the average software budget by institutions every year. Without any preliminary research, our initial answer was no. Then, a few months passed, during which we drilled down contracts and other implementation data. Now, we can say that we have a vague idea. ... Average Software Budget Read More
Similarities Between Anthology and PowerSchool
Last week, I was at ASU+GSV Summit for the first time. I had the opportunity to meet with several clients, friends and new acquaintances. On the flight back, I was looking at my notes and noticed that two companies I had met had referenced each other. They were saying that only the other company has the same ... Similarities Between Anthology and PowerSchool Read More
SIS Product Niches Emerge from New Enrollment Grouping
Last Thursday, we talked about Populi in one of our company profiles. As mentioned in this post, Populi is mostly implemented in smaller religious-oriented institutions. With this update on a post, we wanted to drill down further into the student information system product category. Instead of presenting the enrollment bands with the regular grouping (1-2,499; ... SIS Product Niches Emerge from New Enrollment Grouping Read More
Populi: Designed for Smaller Institutions
Populi is fundamentally different in its business approach. Instead of proposing one solution in one product category and building their company from there, the company chose to target one specific client type: smaller colleges. And from there, they offered them an all-in-one software suite. At first, we had doubts about this company. How can they ... Populi: Designed for Smaller Institutions Read More
The Not So New Faculty Information Systems
When we first started to track faculty information systems, this category was not what it looks like nowadays. In fact, in 2019, we didn’t know that these solutions even existed. Since that time, we have expanded our database, from five products in 2019 to more than twenty. What is a Faculty Information System? What Are ... The Not So New Faculty Information Systems Read More
A Brief History of Blackboard
It’s time for another company profile. For this post, we want to paint the picture of one of the first LMS companies: Blackboard. Once the leading company in this product category, Blackboard diversified its corporate assets to curb the decline of revenues and to explore new business opportunities. To understand how Blackboard started, we need ... A Brief History of Blackboard Read More