
Canvas Learning Management System
As I discussed in my last post (LMS Market Share – LMS Trends), the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) is the fastest growing LMS in Higher Education. Its market share is increasing considerably and is currently getting over 25% of new implementations. It’s an impressive feat considering that it has only been in the LMS HigherEd market ... Canvas Learning Management System Read More
LMS Market Share – LMS Trends
The Higher Education market share for Learning Management Systems (LMS) has been looked at and tracked for as long as they have been used in colleges and universities. For years, The Campus Computing Project has been the reference used to get better insight on the LMS usage in HigherEd. This information is based on surveys of institutions (the ... LMS Market Share – LMS Trends Read More
WebCT and How it Helped Open Source LMS
Ten years ago, in October 2005, Blackboard announced the purchase of WebCT for $180M USD ($218M in current USD). This announcement caused ripples in higher education. It was the second biggest merger to be announced in as many weeks. The first such purchase was of PeopleSoft by Oracle. The merger of the two biggest LMS companies was received ... WebCT and How it Helped Open Source LMS Read More
The U.S. is not actually dominating university rankings. Here’s why.
I’m always amazed by the amount of institutions that the United States has in the top 100, 200, 300 or 400 of World university rankings. It always has more than any other country. This amount has been decreasing in the last few years but it’s still four times as many as its closest competition. The ... The U.S. is not actually dominating university rankings. Here’s why. Read More
World Rankings and the Rise of Europe, Not Asia
One of the great things about this site is all the complimentary data we receive. One of these datasets is the 8 world rankings that we compile yearly. In the past we have played with this data to show 9 World University rankings – Side by side – part 1 and make a Historical compilation of 7 world ... World Rankings and the Rise of Europe, Not Asia Read More
Top Learning Management System (LMS) by State or Province
The following visualization illustrates what is the top, or in this case the most popular, Learning Management System by State, Province or Territory. We compiled the 4000+ higher education LMS that we have in the LISTedTECH wiki to see what was the one system that was most used by State or Province. Using this data, we ... Top Learning Management System (LMS) by State or Province Read More
Blended Learning and Student Retention
With all this talk of blended learning and how it’s a major contributor to student satisfaction and success, I wanted to see if it had an actual impact on retention rates. My vizualisations are based on 5208 American institutions and use data from the Intergrated Postsecondary Education Data System -specifically the percentage of students that ... Blended Learning and Student Retention Read More
7,685 Colleges and Universities in the United States
As you can see below, I created a visualization using the coordinates of all 7,685 active HigherEd Institutions in the US. I started playing with all the statistics in the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) after reading Phil Hill’s articles on the new IPEDS Data. The amount of facts & figures on US HigherEd ... 7,685 Colleges and Universities in the United States Read More
MOOCs University profiles : Coursera, edX, CourseSites, Futurelearn, iversity, Canvas
The data is for the top 6 MOOCs based on the number of Member Institutions. Member Institutions are defined as universities or colleges that participate in a MOOC system. This is an updated version of a post I did in July 2013. The data was compiled from the MOOCs and institutions’ websites. Read More
LMS at the top of the rankings
In my last post, I identified the top 200 universities. To do this, I compiled 8 world rankings and averaged out the rankings to find the top universities. Since I had most of the data, I thought it would be interesting to see what LMS (learning management system) the top universities used. Also, I wanted ... LMS at the top of the rankings Read More
MOOCs, a short history
When The New York Times dubbed 2012 “The Year of the MOOC,” it was pretty much on, give or take a year. As the visualisation below shows, 2012 was big, but 2013 is even bigger if you look at it from the number of partnering institutions. At the end of 2012, 100 universities and colleges ... MOOCs, a short history Read More