
Grant Management in the Educational Sector
Next Monday, we will be launching our Grant Management Systems in the Educational Sector report. The report shows the evolution of the grant market for higher education institutions. It was written as a way to offer the much-needed data behind the selection of a grant management ecosystem. Overview of our table of content: Sneak-peek of ... Grant Management in the Educational Sector Read More
Edtech Conferences – Cancellations
After receiving questions regarding conference cancellations regarding Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), we created the following table as a quick reference. We will continue updating it. Please let us know if you have canceled your event. List of academic conferences canceled due to Coronavirus Caution: Read More
European SIS Markets
A question for all you SIS experts… In the past few months, we have been expanding our European coverage of Student Information Systems (SIS) that is part of our SIS subscription. Unlike the North American SIS market, continental Europe has mostly country-centric systems, where a company gets public funding to build a specific system for ... European SIS Markets Read More
The Use of Virtual Reality in Higher Education
Virtual reality is seeing a renewal. Revealed as a productive tool in the sphere of education, it is hypothesized that the reason it has not been used more widely up to now is mostly financial. For instance, one oculus module (full retail pricing) is sold for a minimum of USD 549. Virtual reality, which works ... The Use of Virtual Reality in Higher Education Read More
Workday SIS – Speculation
Assuming that the future users of Workday SIS are current Workday clients, Banner Student would be the one taking the biggest hit followed by Oracle Peoplesoft.
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Higher Ed LMS Market for US and Canada: Year-End 2019 Edition
We believe the market is entering a new phase, with new competitive dynamics.
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Grant Management in the Educational Sector
As a first glance into the Grant Systems market, we wanted to look at the overall market.
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What the US can tell us about how mature SIS markets behave
Guest blog post by (Joshua Perry) This is part two in a series of two blogs written by Justin Menard and me (Joshua Perry) using each other’s datasets. His blog post last week examined customer migration in the UK. This blog will look at what the North American market can tell us about how markets evolve. But before I ... What the US can tell us about how mature SIS markets behave Read More
Historical K12 SIS Customer Migration in the United Kingdom
Back in November, I got the chance to meet Joshua Perry, writer of the “Bring more data” blog. Joshua has been following the Management Information System (MIS) used in the UK K12 market. Have a look at some of his posts After discussing our mutual interests in educational systems’ market trends, we thought it could be interesting for the ... Historical K12 SIS Customer Migration in the United Kingdom Read More
Campus Management and Edcentric are purchased by Veritas Capital
Campus Management and Edcentric have very little product overlap, but they complement each other in that they are positioned to help higher education institutions improve their overall efficacy in providing platforms that could potentially respond to the institutions' needs in regard to robust organizational systems.
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Historical LMS in North America – K-12 and Higher Education
In the last few months, the LMS world has seen the potential sale of Instructure and the sale of Schoology. To explore the history of the LMS world, we decided to build a Bar Chart Race to show the evolution of the market share for the past 20+ years. The LMS market share has evolved ... Historical LMS in North America – K-12 and Higher Education Read More